SolveigMM End-User Products > Beta Testing
Bug report in Video Splitter 3.7
Olga Krovyakova:
Hello Holgermh,
Thank you for your report about the bug, it was reproduced.
We will fix it in near future. I'll post here an update as soon as it will be ready.
System is Vista HP. If i go to preferences and Output Filemask i change it to [source] and tick "Use Output Filemask".
After hitting OK and restarting the programm the next time it unticks the box and goes back to [source]_[n:4] which i don't
want. Please make the settings changes persistent (as it was before).
Yes right...I can confirm the bug is present in the latest 3.6 stable too!
That bug in fact has been around since some of the last versions, including non-beta 3.6's - reproduceable on XPSP3x86, W8x64 and W8.1x64. Most things can be changed alternatively through the "view" menu, but for example -though far from critical- the SolveigMM-Logo in the upper right corner can only be disabled through the preferences. And that always crashes the program. Fix appreciated. (:
Olga Krovyakova:
Hello ml1975,
Thank you for your post.
We have reproduced the crash on our end on Windows 8.
I'll post here the update with the fixed bug as soon as it will be ready.
Thank you for your patience.
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