SolveigMM End-User Products > Beta Testing
SolveigMM Video Splitter 1.0 Beta
Dmitry Vergeles:
SolveigMM Video Splitter Release is available. A feature of getting output AVI file size has been added
Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello Ole,
Thank you for the kind words. Our main goal is to provide "software that works" and if the users say they are pleased with this - we have succeeded :)
I just wanted to drop a note here. I was looking for a video cut&trim tool for a while and have tried A LOT from various shareware archives. This SolveigMM Video Splitter is with distance the BEST tool I have found. It is easy and intuitive to use, unbelivebly fast, handy, and does what I expect in a minimum of time - and: it did not crash once. EXCELENT WORK.
Dmitry Vergeles:
SolveigMM Video Splitter Release is available
- The bug with messed control colors when Video Card bit depth is 24 or 8 bits has been fixed.
- To avoid registration problems with COM components the following system DLLs have been added to installation: atl71.dll, msvcp71.dll, msvcr71.dll
Dmitry Vergeles:
SolveigMM Video Splitter 1.0 Release is available.
- An input AVI file Drug and Drop feature has been added
- K frame navigation has been improved
- DV AVI type 1,2 preview has been added
- The bug when an initial output file was overwritten during a second trimming operation has been fixed.
- WYSIWYG feature ( i.e. precision ) has been improved
- Some issues with out of sync on some kind of AVI files have been fixed
- An ability to register the version has been added
- An ability to view the filters info has been added
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