SolveigMM End-User Products > Beta Testing
SolveigMM Video Splitter 1.1 Beta (WMV/ASF support)
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "philebus" ---Hi,
I just bought SolveigMM Video Splitter 1.1 beta and have been using it to pretty good effect with WMV files. But I have a few questions which hopefully someone can answer.
First, I assume that it does not edit WMV files with what is called 'frame accuracy', but "k frame accuracy'. This leads me to ask what is a K frame?
Second, and following on from this, when I edit WMV files (or any compatible files for that matter) is it best if I edit at the K-frame points or can I just put the file on play and set the markers where I please?
Third. is this product going to be extended to mpeg1 file splitting as well? I would find that pretty useful.
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Hello philebus,
First of all K Frames are Key ones. Video sequence encoded usually consists of groups of pictures (GOP). GOP consists of Key frame (that is first one in GOP) and delta frames. Key frame is encoded independently as a statical picture but delta frames are predicted from K frame and can't be decoded without K frame.
Thus to provide an user fast and a video quality lossless video trimming, the Video Splitter performs trimming tasks with K Frame accuracy.
That means that all output fragments will be started with K frame.
--- Quote ---Second, and following on from this, when I edit WMV files (or any compatible files for that matter) is it best if I edit at the K-frame points or can I just put the file on play and set the markers where I please?
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Actually for an usability the Video Splitter allow an user to set video positions to K Frames Only. That means that if you select fragments by markers you they already will be started with K Frame.
For now, jointly with Elecard, we are preparing MPEG-2 Frame Accuracy Editing solution that will be added as a feature both to a further version of SolveigMM Video Splitter and Elecard XMuxer.
As for MPEG-1 editing we could take such a feature into consideration but could you describe what do you need it for?
I just bought SolveigMM Video Splitter 1.1 beta and have been using it to pretty good effect with WMV files. But I have a few questions which hopefully someone can answer.
First, I assume that it does not edit WMV files with what is called 'frame accuracy', but "k frame accuracy'. This leads me to ask what is a K frame?
Second, and following on from this, when I edit WMV files (or any compatible files for that matter) is it best if I edit at the K-frame points or can I just put the file on play and set the markers where I please?
Third. is this product going to be extended to mpeg1 file splitting as well? I would find that pretty useful.
Dmitry Vergeles:
SolveigMM Video Splitter 1.1 beta is available:
- Supports WMV format
- Supports ASF file format with any video (WMV 1,2,3, MPEG-4 AVC, DivX, etc) and audio (MPEG L. 1,2,3, AC3, WMAudio V 2,7,8, etc) content
- AVI to ASF re-multiplexing (without re-encoding)
- The bug with AVI contained MPEG1 layer 2 audio has been fixed
- The bug with Help calling has been fixed
- SolveigMM ASF Multiplexer has been added to package
- "Size" feature does not operate within WMV/ASF mode, and it is not documented for the present
- WMV/ASF support is not documented for the present
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