Hello our valuable beta testers,
Splitter 4.0 is on the way and again we need your help:
http://www.solveigmm.com/download/SolveigMM_Video_Splitter_Home_Edition_4_0_Beta.exeAny feedback is welcomed

The main new features of Video Splitter 4 are:
- The support of the file format - FLV. The editing with frame accuracy for AVC codec, with K-frame accuracy for other codecs
- The editing of AVI files with frame accuracy
- Slicing files into parts of a given duration, size, or into specified number of parts.
- Saving of metadata for MP4 files
Additional minor features:
- The ability to keep project settings (intervals, selected streams).
- The ability to clear the recent files history and ability to disable saving the recent files history
- The ability to configure destination directory for output files
- Ability to adjust playback settings (selecting video renderer)
- Text color settings for message boxes and information panel