SolveigMM End-User Products > HyperCam
Getting started
Dmitry Vergeles:
Dear John_H,
Thank you for you post.
At the present we don't have official online tutorial, neither video clip.
There is a set of yoube movies made by enthusiasts that can be helpfull for you.
Here is the search page:
I can suggest you just to follow HyperCam bottom help interactive section.
To start, select some region (pushing according button) and push the big red button (record).
That has to be really easy.
Is there a tutorial, maybe on YouTube, on how to use the Hypercam 3 video editor?
Also, I cannot seem to raise a Help menu, or produce one in response to the F1 key.
Maybe the use of the editor is obvious to someone who has used other, or similar software, but I am not quite sure where to begin. A video tutorial on the use of the editor would be ideal.
Many thanks for your thoughts or links.
John Harris
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