SolveigMM End-User Products > HyperCam

Red Line around frame


Big Oto:
I dont hace problems even with aero themes on.

Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello johnsco,
Sorry for delayed answer.

You can shitch the flickering borner thought Options->Interface->Show recording borders

 ;D  I found out if I disable the Aero features in Windows 7 then the flashing red line appears in making the video but not when it is replayed.

 :o  I recently installed HyperCam Ver. 3 on a Lenovo laptop running Windows 7.  When I click on HyperCam to start recording I find the outside frame of the windows (either Region, Full Screen or Window) is a red line that flashes every so often.  Often times when I am recording the red line flashes.  It comes through on the recording because when I send it to another computer to play it is quite annoying.  Right now I am using Windows Media Player to play back the Avi file.  I tried it using Quicktime and seems to do the same thing.

Please Consult


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