SolveigMM End-User Products > HyperCam
Registrator does not reconize Hypercam 3 activation code
Hello Jeff,
Sorry for delayed answer, we had some troubles with our e-mail system. As for your registration problem I suppose you use HyperCam installer version 3.0.912.7. If so, please update it with the latest version from here (currently it is 3.0.912.18), this should help you.
I've contacted support now twich with no luck. I'll start off by saying I'm very frustrated. The one reply I did recieve from support I was not able to reply back too. This is the error I get.
--- The following addresses had delivery problems ---
<> (No delivery mechanism available.)
<> (No delivery mechanism available.)
Here is my issue witht the product. I can activate Hypercam 3 with the registration code I was sent.
When I try and use the SolveigMM Video Splitter though I'm told I only have a evaluation version of Hypercam. When I use the Registrator utility to register the product the key that was sent that allows me to register Hypercam doesn't work.
I either need support to fix this or I need a refund.
Jeff Haynes
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