SolveigMM End-User Products > SolveigMM AVI Trimmer
Trimmer On Speed
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "Dmitry Vergeles" ---
--- Quote from: "TonyB" ---I downloaded the "" file and replaced my existing one with it.
It doesn't seem to have had any effect. It still rushes through the rendering and the resulting file is file at super speed
--- End quote ---
Could you upload us the original file?
you can use for this purpose service or any other.
--- End quote ---
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "TonyB" ---I downloaded the "" file and replaced my existing one with it.
It doesn't seem to have had any effect. It still rushes through the rendering and the resulting file is file at super speed
--- End quote ---
Could you upload us this file?
you can use for this purpose service or any other.
I downloaded the "" file and replaced my existing one with it.
It doesn't seem to have had any effect. It still rushes through the rendering and the resulting file is file at super speed
Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello TonyB,
Thank you for the feedback.
Please try to download, unzip and put it to
"C:\Program Files\Solveig Multimedia\SolveigMM AVI Trimmer" folder to replace an old,.
Then repeate your tests.
We would appritiate if you let us know the results.
I downloaded the trimmer this morning looking for utility to clean up the beginning and end of recorded AVI files.
I recorded a sample AVI file, loaded it in trimmer, picked the in and out points, added it to the edit window, set my destination, and hit the run button. All appeared to work but I was suprised at the speed at which the progress bar progressed. This was about 35 seconds of video and it said it was finished in a matter of 2-3 seconds.
When I checked the output AVI file, I saw why. The entire viedo appeared to be there but I was compressed down to 3 seconds or so of video. The entire 35 seconds played out in 3 seconds. Again, everything was there I was just at super speed.
Any ideas on what the issue is and how I fix it?
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