SolveigMM End-User Products > SolveigMM AVI Trimmer

Video runs twice as fast after trimming

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Dmitry Vergeles:

--- Quote from: "ajcrm125" ---I'm having the same exact issue, even after downloading the new .ax file.

Here's something interesting... I deleted the .ax file and reran everything and got the same exact results, which leads me to believe that perhaps the .ax file is not being loaded at all?
--- End quote ---

Hello ajcrm125,
could you upload us the original file to reproduce the problem with?

I'm having the same exact issue, even after downloading the new .ax file.

Here's something interesting... I deleted the .ax file and reran everything and got the same exact results, which leads me to believe that perhaps the .ax file is not being loaded at all?

Dmitry Vergeles:

--- Quote from: "qill" ---I use Avi Trimmer 1.5 , the freeware version.

I have uploaded a fragment of the video:

It goes so fast, that the video stops in the middle of it while the audio keeps going the entire length of the movie.

The very same thing also happens in Video Splitter.

If a fix to this could be implemented, I would greatly appreciate that.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for the file.
Please try to download, unzip and put it to
"C:\Program Files\Solveig Multimedia\SolveigMM AVI Trimmer" folder to replace an old,.
Then repeate your tests.

We would appritiate if you let us know the results.

I use Avi Trimmer 1.5 , the freeware version.

I have uploaded a fragment of the video:

It goes so fast, that the video stops in the middle of it while the audio keeps going the entire length of the movie.

The very same thing also happens in Video Splitter.

If a fix to this could be implemented, I would greatly appreciate that.


Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello qill,

Thank you for the feedback. Could you please note what software (AVI Trimmer or Video Splitter) do you use and what versions?


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