SolveigMM End-User Products > SolveigMM AVI Trimmer
Worked Fine Several Times, Then Stopped Working
Hi Olga,
Thanks for the reply! Eagerly awaiting an update. I really love this piece of software.
Olga Krovyakova:
Hello LaughingMan,
Thank you for the problem description.
It was reproduced, we will try to fix it in the nearest future.
I will post here as soon as the new update will be ready.
I think I figured it out. I guess your trimmer doesn't have H.264 10-bit support (yet?). Any file not in that format still works fine.
I couldn't find this problem in the FAQ or in previous questions:
Downloaded the trimmer, used it several times with no problem, but during one use the program crashed and since then it won't work properly. The video preview window is black and shows no video, when I hit play sometimes I get audio and sometimes I don't, and if I try to trim something anyway and hit save, it loads for a bit but doesn't do anything (no trimmed file appears in the destination folder).
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling and it didn't work. I even tried uninstalling, restarting the computer and reinstalling but that didn't fix it. I didn't add any programs between the time that it worked and the time it stopped working. I also tried using the Video Splitter trial but that gave me a similar problem.
I would have given up long ago if it wasn't for the fact that it worked fine for a day or two initially. Could something be left over from the uninstall that is causing the problem to persist after reinstallation?
Thanks in advance.
(PS: I am working with Windows 7 Home Premium)
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