SolveigMM Software Development Kits > SolveigMM Video Editing SDK
ASF Multiplexer beta-testing is needed
Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello Javi,
Well, it seems a crash cause is graph re-switching.
Could you please contact us at ?
I have proved the filter using it in GraphEdit and with one client only during 3 hours and the error hasn't ocurred.
I hope this could help you!
Best regards,
Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello Javi,
It seems as a general protection error caused by SolveigMM Muxer.
Can you reproduce this situation in GraphEdit?
One more thing, to localize the error could you repeat this error with one sending graph only ?
My system is the following:
server: Video Source->Sender
client: Receiver->Encoder(eg DivX)->Solveig MM ASF Multiplexer
The application starts running one client graph and after a specified period of time it stops the graph that was running and run the other one. This action is repeated until the programme stops due to the error in the filter.
I don't know what kind of error is produced. Is a typical windows problem that says that my application will stop because of, but I cannot debug my programme. I only can see this error information:
Module 71
Image Base:0x05390000 Image Size: 0x00000000
Checksum:0x00000000 Time Stamp: 0x429d70aa
Version Information
Signature: feef04bd
StrucVer: 00010000
FlagMask: 0000003f
Flags: 00000000
OS: 00040004
FileType: 00000002
SubType: 00000000
FileDate: 00000000:00000000
Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello Javi,
Could you please describe the situation in more detail?
First of all what a code of an error messsage the muxer send?
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