SolveigMM Software Development Kits > SolveigMM Video Editing SDK
Fail to Build DirectShow Filter Graph
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "mjparr" ---Hi,
I am having this error message over and over and cannot use the multplexer. I am trying to load divx avi's into the source file and as soon as I do this, I get the failure. Please help.
--- End quote ---
Hello Mike,
First of all the filter has to be registerged.
To register "SolveigMM ASF Multiplexer" DirectShow filter you should
use regsvr32 system utility.
call Start->Run->regsvr32 C:\SMMASF_2005_06_01\
I am having this error message over and over and cannot use the multplexer. I am trying to load divx avi's into the source file and as soon as I do this, I get the failure. Please help.
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