SolveigMM Software Development Kits > SolveigMM Video Editing SDK
VB.NET sample "for Dummies" needed
Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello spacewalker,
Thank you for your interest.
Unfortunately unless having the full version of SDK one can't build any sample or create own application.
With SDK pack it is provaided technicall support, so then we can show you what and where to use.
To purshase the SDK< please contact our sales department -
--- Quote --- - what files (.dll etc.) need to be distributed together with compiled .exe?
- Can I install my VB application just by copy the .exe and other files to a programm-directory or must I to use setup.exe/installer and register (regsrv) files?
--- End quote ---
You should ship SolveigMM Video Editing Engine that is a set of COM objects and DirectShow filters that have to be installed/registered before usage.
I had a look at the SDK documentation and at the VB.NET sample code.
I am new to VB.NET and I would like to test the SDK using VB.NET (VB 2010 Express)
I dont really understand the entire VB.NET sample code, so I wonder if somebody can post a "mini-version" of sample code :
Basically what I try to do is to write a very simple application that can trim a .avi file (XVid)
So would I'd need is :
-a short description about what references (.DLLs etc) must be added to an empty VB project
-some lines of code that do basic functions like:
-initialize objects
-open a source .avi/XVid file (for example "c:\test.avi")
-define a target .avi/XVid file (for example "c:\test-cut.avi")
-set some ranges (start/stop positions) in milliseconds for the cut areas (for example 10000-15000 and 50000-55000)
-start the cut (trim) process
-close everything after finished
No GUI elements, errorchecking etc. needed
For distributing a VB.NET application that use SDK elements:
- what files (.dll etc.) need to be distributed together with compiled .exe?
- Can I install my VB application just by copy the .exe and other files to a programm-directory or must I to use setup.exe/installer and register (regsrv) files?
thank you very much
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