SolveigMM End-User Products > SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plug-In
SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin Bug Reports
Dmitry Vergeles:
If OS is Vista, Run it with Admin rights.
I registered the program thru registrator but get the following when trying to use.
Thank you for choosing the SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin. It is 21-day evaluation version with ten minutes output restriction.
Go to Registrator and shows following.
Application Current Version State
SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin 1.5.902.3 Activated
C:\Program Files\.....\SMM_WMP_Trimmer_Plugin.dll 1.5.902.3 Evaluation
I have tried several times uninstalling and installing.
Is this a bug or is there a way to get it registered correctly.
--- Quote from: "Dmitry Vergeles" ---
Hi Dan,
Thank you for launching this ropic.
Youur bug report has been accepted :)
--- End quote ---
Hi Dmitry !
In this case can you sticky (it) ? :lol: :?:
And maybe a new version from Santa for Christmas ? :D :P
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "Mercury_22" ---I think we need a place for reporting bugs so... This Could Be it :?: :wink:
SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin 1.1.710.12 bugs :
- When i upgrade from previous version it gets deactivate !
- Caption of the "Cut out" button it's "Cut off", shouldn't be the same with the text on the button ?
--- End quote ---
Hi Dan,
Thank you for launching this ropic.
Youur bug report has been accepted :)
I think we need a place for reporting bugs so... This Could Be it :?: :wink:
SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin 1.1.710.12 bugs :
- When i upgrade from previous version it gets deactivate !
- Caption of the "Cut out" button it's "Cut off", shouldn't be the same with the text on the button ?
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