SolveigMM End-User Products > SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plug-In

Trimming still keeps the whole file?

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Olga Krovyakova:
Hello Termy,

Thank you for your post.

Have you set fragments for deleting using "Cut out selecting fragment" button after all markers were added at the timeline?

Please take a look at this guideline for more information about editing with WMP Trimmer Plugin:

If this will not help then please send us your input original file using e.g. and specify please start and stop time positions were selected for the fragment(s) you would like to be saved.


I bought the WMP Trimmer 3.0 Home Edition, and I'm using Windows 8.1

I've tried repeatedly to open various audio files, adding a marker at the beginning and at the end of a segment I want to trim, and then clicking trim. It doesn't save just that segment though, but the entire audio file... is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?


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