SolveigMM End-User Products > SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plug-In

Windows Media Player 12 problem

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Dmitry Vergeles:
Hi jpodwyer,

Yes, that is a feaure of WMP12, the plugin can't only be a separate window.

Dmitry - I tried again but still the same problem. I uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled it from the link provided. The plugin does not integrate with wmp as it used to - it remains as a separate window. I am using build 12.0.7600.16415 of wmp.

Dmitry Vergeles:
Hi jpodwyer,
The problem has been fixed in one of the previous updates.

Please download the latest version - 1.5.912.18

I have recently upgraded to Windows 7 and WMP 12 and downloaded the latest version of the plugin which clearly has worked for others but still experience the symptoms described here.

Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello Uwe,
Thank you. Frohe Weihnachten :)


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