SolveigMM End-User Products > Video Splitter
"can't init video splitter" error!
thx a lot the last version of video splitter worked perfect and i didnt get any error.
Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello Wadpro,
Thank you for info.
As far as I undersood the Video Splitter operated properly some time and then began to deliver the error.
Did you install some more multimedia software in this period, may be some codec pack?
Also did you try to reinstall the Splitter, and what the version you have?
Also there is the new version you could test:
Please let us know of the results.
Thank you for the help.
--- Quote from: "Dmitry Vergeles" ---Hi Wadpro,
Could you notify what is your Operation System and its language?
Please try also to open with Video Splitter other media files like AVI, MP3, WMA. Will this problem arise?
Thank you for your help!
--- End quote ---
My OS is XP SP2 and its language other than English.
I tried to open other type of medias like avi but I got the same error.
I could use this software without any error a few days ago but now I always get this error message.
Thx in advance.
Dmitry Vergeles:
Hi Wadpro,
Could you notify what is your Operation System and its language?
Please try also to open with Video Splitter other media files like AVI, MP3, WMA. Will this problem arise?
Thank you for your help!
I get this error message when I try to open a wmv file as input...
How can I fix it?
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