SolveigMM End-User Products > Video Splitter
Cannot open AVI files in MMVideoSplitter
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "JerryR" ---I just installed the latest version of Klite Mega Codec Pack and I noticed the Halii splitter was selected. I checked the box for the Windows media splitter (which shows as "recommended"), installed the codec pack and rebooted. Then started MMVideoSplitter, chose an .avi file that wouldnt open before, split the video and it works just fine. Happy days! Maybe this info may be helpful to any others having a similiar problem.
Thanks again Demitry for you quick response.
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Dear JerryR,
Today we released the SolveigMM Video Splitter update (1.2.701.25).
It settled the problem with Haali Media Splitter (with switched AVI support) compatibility. It would be nice if you test it.
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "JerryR" ---I just installed the latest version of Klite Mega Codec Pack and I noticed the Halii splitter was selected. I checked the box for the Windows media splitter (which shows as "recommended"), installed the codec pack and rebooted. Then started MMVideoSplitter, chose an .avi file that wouldnt open before, split the video and it works just fine. Happy days! Maybe this info may be helpful to any others having a similiar problem.
Thanks again Demitry for you quick response.
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Thank you for detailed information.
VideoSplitter seems to have some problem with haali AVI splitter. We will check it up.
PLease do not hesitate to contact us if you have any more problem.
I just installed the latest version of Klite Mega Codec Pack and I noticed the Halii splitter was selected. I checked the box for the Windows media splitter (which shows as "recommended"), installed the codec pack and rebooted. Then started MMVideoSplitter, chose an .avi file that wouldnt open before, split the video and it works just fine. Happy days! Maybe this info may be helpful to any others having a similiar problem.
Thanks again Demitry for you quick response.
Thanks for the reply Demitry...My Windows XPSP2 system is english. And yes, I can play all .avi files in WMP as well as several other players. I also have Brizsoft avisplitter installed and I am able to split all .avi files using that program with no errors...however I much prefer MMVideoSplitter...thats why I purchased it. Your help is appreciated Demitry. P.S. I also have Klites Mega codec pack installed (have used it for a long time)...I wonder if the problem is a codec maybe?
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "JerryR" ---Regestered user of MMVideoSplitter..latest version installed..installed Windows media9runtime...Receive error message "Source File is not supported or damaged". Other formats (WMV,ASF still work ok). Uninstalled and re-installed MMVideoSplitter several times...still does not work on AVI files. Tried opening some of the files I was able to open a month ago, but can no longer open these. Running WinXPSP2. Help please...great program...when it used to work.
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Thank you for the feedback.
Firts of all what is a language of your WinXP?
Also are ably to play these AVI files with windows media player?
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