
Streams select

why stream seleсt dialog no resizeable?
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how i can select streams if it not have "title"
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Author Topic: cant select streams  (Read 15828 times)
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« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2021, 07:00:27 PM »
Hello LSTemp,

Thank you for your post.

Could you please send us the original input file that you open in Video Splitter and the project file? You can upload it to any file sharing service, e.g. Google drive (https://drive.google.com) or Wetransfer.com.
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2021, 04:30:03 AM »
Streams select dialog dont show (simple) title for stream. Now i see a lot of streams with RUS languge, but how i must different it?

mediainfo show me:
Title                                    : Dub - Superbit | DTS 5.1 @ 768 kbps
Title                                    : DVO - Tycoon Studio | DTS 5.1 @ 1509 kbps
Title                                    : AVO - Андрей Гаврилов | DTS 5.1 @ 1509 kbps
Title                                    : AVO - Юрий Живов | AC3 5.1 @ 448 kbps
Title                                    : AVO - ICTV/Інтер | AC3 5.1 @ 448 kbps
Title                                    : AVO - 1+1 | AC3 5.1 @ 448 kbps

But i dont see this info in the splitter.

Another problem - whitout native english "select strem" window don't show anything COMPLETE!!! The long translated string is wrap and remain only language info about stream (again about not resizeabe window for selecting streams). This window not resizeable (WHY?!!!) from program version 5.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2021, 04:34:55 AM by LSTemp »