Author Topic: [Feature Request] Setting Markers, duplicate segments, re-arranging segments?  (Read 23634 times)
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Hello ollie,

Thank you for your post. We will consider your suggestion!

As the solition to dublicate the fragments of the same file you could follow these steps:

1) Open the file in Media list

2) Drag this file to the timeline

3) Now when the file file on the timeline - drag this, same file from "Media" list to any place between the end and begin of the timeline where the new fragment should be placed.

4) Click on the "collapsed" marker at the one and another side of the timeline (in case you work in the "Cut" mode).

5) Correct markers position by moving markers of the collapsed intervals to set the right position for the fragments and the video sequence at all.

Now you get for example the dublication of the start of the video in the middle of the video.
You can add in such a way any number of fragments of the same file to the one timeline.

In addition, you could mute the audio for the selected fragment using "Set audio silence" button.
Possibly this new feature of VS6 will be helpful for your task.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 05:26:16 PM by Olga Krovyakova »
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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Hello, thanks for listening :P I would like on the TIMELINE

1. Button U to UNGROUP the Video and Audio streams
2. Button S at the pointer to SEPARATE the ungrouped AND selected stream
3. once the audio and/or video is separated at the separation point, i can move the segments anywhere on the timeline
4. CTRL-C to copy the segment
5. CTRL-V to paste the segment
6 DELETE to delete a segment off the timeline
7. if I drag the segment ends, the frames from the original video is reinserted onto the timeline; the more I drag the more of the original video (or audio) is re-inserted and looped with markation of the start and finish of that video
8. Any video segment that was deleted and empty on the timeline should have black frames encoded
9. ability to have images inserted on the timeline
10. SNAP-TO ability to snap to end points and timeframes

YOU are using a proxy file to store the project so i think all these are possible


« Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 07:25:50 PM by ollie »

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Hello ollie,

Thank you for your post.

1. the ability to insert start and end markers, copy the segment and then to insert multiple copies onto the title sequence at the start, and at the end of a video
So, am I right that you would like to duplicate some fragments on the timeline?

2. cutting the audio and video independently of each other....sometime you want either the audio or video but NOT both in a segment.....which means

This feature is already available. You need just to disable the desired audio or video track that you would not like to be saved before the trimming start in Control -> Select streams or click the "Select streams..." button in the "Save as" dialog window opens after starting the editing operation.

3. either black frames are inserted OR the last video frame might have to be duplicated OR ability to insert external images or video ....into the missing areas on the timeline
Thank you for this suggestion! If we add such feature, we will post at this thread.
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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hello thanks for the reply....

this is the single most important request and i hope your team applies it soon...because it opens up a whole new workflow rather than laborious task of cutting and saving and then inserting from individual files.

1. the ability to insert start and end markers, copy the segment and then to insert multiple copies onto the title sequence at the start, and at the end of a video

2. cutting the audio and video independently of each other....sometime you want either the audio or video but NOT both in a segment.....which means

3. either black frames are inserted OR the last video frame might have to be duplicated OR ability to insert external images or video ....into the missing areas on the timeline

thanks for listening, cheers
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 01:48:51 AM by ollie »

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Hello ollie,

Thank you for your post and your suggestion.

We will discuss with our team about the need and possibility to add such kind of feature.

If there will be any news, we will post here.
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2016, 06:58:39 PM »
[Feature Request] Setting Markers, duplicate segments, re-arranging segments?
I am sort of getting the hang of this ......

but there doesnt seem to be a way to set start-end markers, copy the segment and paste it to another part of the timeline?