SolveigMM End-User Products > Video Splitter
Frame accurate cutting in Video Splitter?
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Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "Mobius" ---Hi,
For several years I have been searching for an SDK that could split an MPEG 1 video with frame accuracy without reencoding the video. I hope that my search has ended. When will your SDK have the frame accurate splitting of MPEG 1 video built into it?
In addition to frame accurate splitting, I also need the ability to join Mpeg1 video together without reencoding and to extract specified frames of video to bmp or JPEG files.
The GOP accurate splitting capability is acceptable to most except for my user base.
Please tell me when you anticipate having the above mentioned items available in your SDK.
--- End quote ---
Hello Steven,
We already have MPEG-2 frame accurate editing solution.
The demo version can be sent you upon your request.
So, we could also implement MPEG1 editing by extending our existing solution. Please contact us by email to describe your application and discuss licensing scheme.
For several years I have been searching for an SDK that could split an MPEG 1 video with frame accuracy without reencoding the video. I hope that my search has ended. When will your SDK have the frame accurate splitting of MPEG 1 video built into it?
In addition to frame accurate splitting, I also need the ability to join Mpeg1 video together without reencoding and to extract specified frames of video to bmp or JPEG files.
The GOP accurate splitting capability is acceptable to most except for my user base.
Please tell me when you anticipate having the above mentioned items available in your SDK.
Dmitry Vergeles:
Dear Stefan,
First of all thank you for the interest and pleasant opinion about Video Splitter.
You are right we have been going to implement a frame accurate trimming feature since April. But unfortunately there are a lot of other features that should be implemented. Nevertheless we will implement it necessarily. It is rather difficult to say when exactly it happens but I hope within two nearest months.
--- Quote ---Oh, and some other (convenience) issue: When one of the markers is selected, how do I start playback from that position?
--- End quote ---
A slider cursor jumps to a selected marker upon double clicking on the marker.
I've tried the SolveigMM VideoSplitter and I must say, for removing ads from WMVs this is by far the best program I've ever used. The only real downpoint is the lack of frame-accuracy. I found two posts by Dmirty, one from April and one from August this year, saying that it will be available soon, but when will it be?
At the moment, I use VideoSplitter to find the exact start&end positions and then cut the WMV using ASFbin, but that's of course not the best solution. (Before that, I imported the WMV through AviSynth into VirtualDub to find the positions).
I know that it cannot work flawlessly, but most of the time, if you know what you're doing, it produces acceptable results, because you cut either at an position where there is a scene change anyway (so most of the picture changes and the rest will bee rerstored soon after that point), or you join two exactly equal frames (if there is an overlap of the part before and after the ads, and no clear scene change happens during that overlap), and then the errors are even more subtle.
If frame accuracy would work, I'd be buying VideoSplitter immediately ;)
P.S.: Oh, and some other (convenience) issue: When one of the markers is selected, how do I start playback from that position? If there is nothing that I didn't find out yet, here some suggestions:
- A keyboard shortcut to set the slider to the position of the currently selected marker (and possibly, selecting it right afterwards)
- An option to "snap" the slider to marker positions when dragging it by mouse (like "snap to grid" in some painting tools)
- Playback is always started from the currently selected item (whether marker or slider) [This would introduce some difficulties with the slider system, though.]
- Upon play, the slider is set to the position of the currently selected marker [Quite intuitive, I think]
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