SolveigMM End-User Products > Video Splitter
In ref to Newowin post
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "tomfrank" ---My .avi file now loads... thanks for addressing this so quickly! I tried a brief attampt at a clip, but was having a problem selecting and running the conversion (kept getting that new prompt about adding a clip. I may be doing something wrong. I'll get back to you on this if it isn't working. I also found with V1.3 I was getting, at each clip point, a momentary freeze of the last frame lasting just a fraction of a second before the next clipped section played, and at each clip point, the sound got more and more out of sync. After numerous clips, the sound was about 1 sec. late compared to the video. I'm hoping the new version no longer does this. I'll post back here when I've worked with the new version.
<edit> OK, I've worked with this revised 1.4 version, and it now works fine... none of the prior problems I encounter showed up. Excellent!
Thanks for a great editing tool... I can now highly recommend this verison.
--- End quote ---
Thank you for your help.
Please let us know of any problems you will encounter.
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "devnulllore" ---
Ok, it seems to be working great. My apologies for the crude remarks and I will post a retraction on Neowin. I can only say that I spent an entire day trying various software that would give me nothing but obscure errors. What I said was said out of frustration only.
--- End quote ---
No problem.
Thank you for the help!
--- Quote from: "Dmitry Vergeles" ---Guys thank you, the problem seems to have been fixed.
Please download the new version and try your tests again.
direct link:
If would be nice if you let us know of results.
--- End quote ---
My .avi file now loads... thanks for addressing this so quickly! I tried a brief attampt at a clip, but was having a problem selecting and running the conversion (kept getting that new prompt about adding a clip. I may be doing something wrong. I'll get back to you on this if it isn't working. I also found with V1.3 I was getting, at each clip point, a momentary freeze of the last frame lasting just a fraction of a second before the next clipped section played, and at each clip point, the sound got more and more out of sync. After numerous clips, the sound was about 1 sec. late compared to the video. I'm hoping the new version no longer does this. I'll post back here when I've worked with the new version.
<edit> OK, I've worked with this revised 1.4 version, and it now works fine... none of the prior problems I encounter showed up. Excellent!
Thanks for a great editing tool... I can now highly recommend this verison.
--- Quote from: "Dmitry Vergeles" ---Guys thank you, the problem seems to have been fixed.
Please download the new version and try your tests again.
direct link:
If would be nice if you let us know of results.
--- End quote ---
Ok, it seems to be working great. My apologies for the crude remarks and I will post a retraction on Neowin. I can only say that I spent an entire day trying various software that would give me nothing but obscure errors. What I said was said out of frustration only.
Dmitry Vergeles:
Guys thank you, the problem seems to have been fixed.
Please download the new version and try your tests again.
direct link:
If would be nice if you let us know of results.
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