Author Topic: Updating to the current version?  (Read 21979 times)
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« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2017, 04:35:18 PM »
Hello Jochen K.,

Thank you for your post and your purchase!

Files 1 and 2 now cut be cut flawlessly, BUT when I tried file 3, the Beta turned out to be rather temperamental: just dragging the file into the "Start now" area of the program's window twice caused the program simply to close (no error messages, it just vanished completely), the third attempt then worked flawlessly.
Am I right that you have on the timeline to files, then add the third file to timeline and the program was crashed? Or have you edited firstly the file#1 then file#3, then add the file#3 to the empty timeline and the program was crashed? Please describe your actions in detail. Could you please upload for us all files that you have tried to edit, including project files? You can use e.g. Google drive or to upload the files.

Ooops, I've just bumped into a minor but annoying bug(?): I tried to delete the third original, uncut file, as well as rename the cut version and couldn't: even though I had removed the file from the program's window, and the only place I could still find any mention of it was in the "Recent Files" list, which I cleared, both files were still "open in Video Splitter".
Eventually I quit the program
I've checked this at our end, and regrettably have not reproduced this at our end. Could you please let us know the file format of this third file and your operating system (with its capacity).
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2017, 03:47:53 PM »
Hello, Olga,

where the uninstall/reinstall is concerned, I think I'll wait and see whether version 6 behaves in the same way on my computer.

With regards to my problem 1:

I just bought the upgrade to v.6 - Portable.

I installed the Beta from the link you provided and used it on some files which previously produced the error message quoted in my original posting.

Files 1 and 2 now cut be cut flawlessly, BUT when I tried file 3, the Beta turned out to be rather temperamental: just dragging the file into the "Start now" area of the program's window twice caused the program simply to close (no error messages, it just vanished completely), the third attempt then worked flawlessly.

Ooops, I've just bumped into a minor but annoying bug( or feature?): I tried to delete the third original, uncut file, as well as rename the cut version and couldn't: even though I had removed the file from the program's window, and the only place I could still find any mention of it was in the "Recent Files" list, which I cleared, both files were still "open in Video Splitter".
Eventually I quit the program - and only then I was asked if I wanted to "save the current project".

I've rerun the program and edited files 4, 5 and 6 - all worked perfectly - but I can't delete or rename any of the files involved.
In version 5 loading a new file "freed" the old one.
I suppose there is a way to close files without having to exit the whole program - but WHERE?
 :-[  For those as blind as I am, I leave the above question in; the answer is "the sixth item in the File menu" - or "Ctrl-W".   :-[

I'm modifying this message a LOT - sorry; however, Ctrl-W may close something, but NOT the files on my hard disc; I still can't delete them.

« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 05:12:54 PM by Jochen K. »

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« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2017, 06:54:36 PM »
Hello Jochen,

According to @2 - please let us know your operating system and the version number of Video Splitter (you can see it at Help / About SolveigMM Video Splitter). If possible please upload for us the sample of .avi file. You can upload it e.g. to Google drive or

Thank you.
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2017, 03:36:42 AM »
Hello, Olga,

thanks for the prompt reply.

@1: So I'll use v.6 on some files that failed before, and will hopefullx have reason to buy it!   ;)

@2: The problem has been around for quite a while; I almost always download files in .avi format.
The app tells me that the test period had expired, and refuses to accept the registration key.
At least with the portable version the rest is quickly done: I've a directory with the installer and a text file with the key on the USB stick.
I simply remove the old Solveig directory, run the installer and copy/paste the registration key.

Kind Regards,
« Last Edit: February 04, 2017, 03:39:52 AM by Jochen K. »

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« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2017, 04:27:11 PM »
Hello Jochen!

Thank you for your post.
1. In (very roughly) 10% of all cases it is either not possible to cut at all, or (more often) to remove the beginning of a file, because the program stops with an error message that says something like "The start time has been set after the end time".

Please try to use version available for the download at the following link, this bug should be fixed in it:

2. Every now and then (very rough guess: after 20 to 30 cuts) the program insists that it isn't licensed, and a deinstal/reinstal is necessary.
Please let us know file(s) of what formats you cut when get this error? So you have the registered version and after 20-30 cuts it says that it is not licensed?

Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2017, 08:57:23 PM »

I've been toying with the idea of upgrading from version 5.2 (portable) to the current version (portable).

However, I am (nearly) completely satisfied with 5.2, so that an upgrade would only make sense, if at least Nr. 1 of the two only issues I have with 5.2 have been fixed.

1. In (very roughly) 10% of all cases it is either not possible to cut at all, or (more often) to remove the beginning of a file, because the program stops with an error message that says something like "The start time has been set after the end time".

2. Every now and then (very rough guess: after 20 to 30 cuts) the program insists that it isn't licensed, and a deinstal/reinstal is necessary.

Has either of these problems been fixed?

Regards, Jochen