Hello, Olga,
where the uninstall/reinstall is concerned, I think I'll wait and see whether version 6 behaves in the same way on my computer.
With regards to my problem 1:
I just bought the upgrade to v.6 - Portable.
I installed the Beta from the link you provided and used it on some files which previously produced the error message quoted in my original posting.
Files 1 and 2 now cut be cut flawlessly, BUT when I tried file 3, the Beta turned out to be rather temperamental: just dragging the file into the "Start now" area of the program's window twice caused the program simply to close (no error messages, it just vanished completely), the third attempt then worked flawlessly.
Ooops, I've just bumped into a minor but annoying bug( or feature?): I tried to delete the third original, uncut file, as well as rename the cut version and couldn't: even though I had removed the file from the program's window, and the only place I could still find any mention of it was in the "Recent Files" list, which I cleared, both files were still "open in Video Splitter".
Eventually I quit the program - and only then I was asked if I wanted to "save the current project".
I've rerun the program and edited files 4, 5 and 6 - all worked perfectly - but I can't delete or rename any of the files involved.
In version 5 loading a new file "freed" the old one.
I suppose there is a way to close files without having to exit the whole program - but WHERE?

For those as blind as I am, I leave the above question in; the answer is "the sixth item in the File menu" - or "Ctrl-W".

I'm modifying this message a LOT - sorry; however, Ctrl-W may close something, but NOT the files on my hard disc; I still can't delete them.