SolveigMM End-User Products > Video Splitter
SolveigMM Video Splitter v 1.2.705.04
Dmitry Vergeles:
SolveigMM Video Splitter v 1.2.705.04 is out
- SolveigMM Videeo Splitter is shipped with command line version - SMM-BatchSplit
- Added an ability to Save/Load current project
- Added a feature to keep a window size after closing/opening
- Fixed the bug - if cancel window media file remuxing/indexing, "Runtime error, R6025, - pure virtual function call" and then general error arisen.
- Fixed the bug - blocking an opened input file even after closing
- Fixed the bug -"Ctrl+Left/Right Arrow"(next/previous frame) operated incorrect for DV AVI Files
- Fixed the bug - at cut points sometime video data froze
- Fixed the bug - during remuxing/trimming small data loss occurred
- Some more major and minor bugs were fixed
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