SolveigMM End-User Products > Video Splitter
Updating My Video Splitter
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "JackSpratt" ---Many thanks for keeping me informed, I have now updated the software.
I was hoping you had added MPEG-1 video splitting !
Are you likely to do this soon ?? or do you know of a good alternative that shows a resizeable preview window (preferably with drag and drop file opens).
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Hi JackSpratt,
For now we are developing MPEG-2 files support.
MPEG-1 support is also going to be added. I suppose it should be implemented in one (maximum two) months
Many thanks for keeping me informed, I have now updated the software.
I was hoping you had added MPEG-1 video splitting !
Are you likely to do this soon ?? or do you know of a good alternative that shows a resizeable preview window (preferably with drag and drop file opens).
Dmitry Vergeles:
--- Quote from: "JackSpratt" ---I bought the SolveigMM Video Splitter last year and been quite happy with it except for frequent HRESULT 0x8xxxxxx type errors. These usually go away if you reload the software and redo the operation.
So, I am on the lookout for an update to fix this bug. Also I would like to be able to process MPEG-1 files as well as AVI.
I notice your site is not working, I hope all is well - how can I get an update ?
By the way, the drag and drop is great - and so is the ability to resize the viewing screen.
Many thanks in advance.
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The website is now online.
Please update you version and report us if the problems will remain.
Dmitry Vergeles:
We are experiencing some temporary difficulties with our website.
It is expected to be online in a few days.
As soon as it happens you will be able to update your version.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I bought the SolveigMM Video Splitter last year and been quite happy with it except for frequent HRESULT 0x8xxxxxx type errors. These usually go away if you reload the software and redo the operation.
So, I am on the lookout for an update to fix this bug. Also I would like to be able to process MPEG-1 files as well as AVI.
I notice your site is not working, I hope all is well - how can I get an update ?
By the way, the drag and drop is great - and so is the ability to resize the viewing screen.
Many thanks in advance.
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