SolveigMM End-User Products > SolveigMM AVI Trimmer
Cannot register SMM_Editengine.dll
Dmitry Vergeles:
What is your operational system? if it is Win 7 or Vista, your should try to register that with admin rights.
You can see how to do this at the guidance below:
How to overlay unicode subtitles to raw video
same problem, but about registering
When I try to register it manually -> 0x80040154 error
Can you help?
Dmitry Vergeles:
Hello Nigel,
Thank you for being interested in our software.
Firs of all I hope you use the latest version AVI Trimer 1.2.707.24.
To figure out what causes this trouble you should fulfill some tests.
First os all please try to register all the components in a folder
"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Solveig Multimedia" by regsvr32 command.
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Solveig Multimedia\SMM_EditEngine.dll"
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Solveig Multimedia\"
And so forth. Please let us know what of the components can be successfully registered and what can't.
Nigel Bullard:
Dear Sir,
When trying to install Solvieg AVI Trimmer I get the following error message and the setup is aborted.
Error Message: "Cannot register C:Program Files\common files\solveig Multimedia\SMM_EDITENGINE.DLL" .
Can anyone assist me with this problem?
I am running windows 2000 Pro. I had the trimmer on my computer running perfectly before having to reformat my hard drive and reinstall windows recently. Incidently your program is THE BEST! I intend to buy it. It is simple to use and very reliable, well designed and in my experience problem free.
I have done all of the available updating for the new windows installation and all other installations were problem free. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
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