Author Topic: Suggestions for improved workflow when splitting.  (Read 20634 times)
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« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2009, 02:07:24 PM »
Instead of having to right click and save each segment, when splitting a file into several pieces, it would be nice to have a "save all segments" button.

That way we can focus our time on selecting the right places to split, while the program does the grunt work of saving each split after we're done. Right now, I feel I'm doing a manual process which could easily be automated.

#1 - Great! I'm looking forward to it.

Hello Zub,
We added such a feature. menu-> file->Save all Fragments As...
Lease try if it is anyhow useful :)

Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2008, 04:10:42 PM »
#1 - Great! I'm looking forward to it.

#2 - I actually missed part of the functionality. If I double click a time frame in the batch editor it already highlights the segment on the timeline.

So, all that's really needed is to implement #1, and also add a quick shortcut key for renaming output files in the batch manager, which will satisfy #2. It's a bit slow having to right click and select "change dest file name" each time. Pressing F2 would speed it up a lot.

Thanks for listening, and happy new year!

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« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2008, 08:05:31 PM »
Hello zub,

First of all sorry for delayed answer and thank you for your sugestions.
#1  seems to be quite simple to implement and can really save Splitter customers' time
I think  by clicking that, splitter automatically add all the active(selected as to be keept ) segments to batch list and start that.

#2 though it is also quite reasonable but can conflict with a main concept. Splitter dialog is in charge of one file in one file out.
Batch manager is in charge of batch task as like one file in few files out.

What we can do is to enlight batch item if batch manager opened. Not sure this is what you talked about.
But you know it always hard to add new feature keeping all existing features clear - not confusing.

So please let us know your thought how to make what you need with using batsh manager.
Thank you!
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2008, 10:55:17 PM »
Your program is excellent already, but adding these few minor enhancements will make a huge difference when dealing with large editing jobs and productions.


Instead of having to right click and save each segment, when splitting a file into several pieces, it would be nice to have a "save all segments" button.

That way we can focus our time on selecting the right places to split, while the program does the grunt work of saving each split after we're done. Right now, I feel I'm doing a manual process which could easily be automated.


To further improve:

Let us be able to easily assign a name to each segment, while we're editing. That way, when clicking the "save all segments" button, each split file is saved with a unique name that identifies its content (assuming we named it correctly).

One easy and managable way of doing this is having a separate window that keeps track of all segments, as they are made. Just click on a segment in the window and name it. Obviously, if an already named segment is further split, it loses its current name.

To make things very intuitive, if you hover the mouse over a segment on the timeline, the corresponding segment in the track window lights up. And vice versa.
You could even let each name, fully or partially, be overlayed on the actual timeline as a quick reminder.


Thank you for your time, I hope I contributed something worthwhile.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2008, 10:57:48 PM by zub »