Hello SolveigMM-Team,
at first, I have to say, I am happy, that your product exists.
As it seems, currently quite all video-programs allow doing effects, ... with the necessity, that the edited sections have to be reencoded, what has a negative influence to the quality. Your product goes the other way: It preserves the original-quality. Very often this is my highest priority, so I use your product to do this.
Now, that I, a former v3-user, have worked with v4, I have to say, that with v4 it's definitely better to work with.
While when halting a video (SPACE) the frame shown was not really the current frame - clicking on 'frame back' showed this - this (strange) behaviour is now gone.
Also, in my opinion, the extremely slow-down, if many markers were set, seems to be gone.
So it's a lot better to work with.
On the other hand, these improvements should have been fixed in a final v3 update, because - in my opinion - they are fixes.
The new v4-features to import more formats are quite useful. Even if I have thought .flv-support already did exist in a former v3 release - probably I was wrong - it's now there, which is a good thing for .flv-owners...
THIS IS WHAT I would woiuld like to to see and perhaps will in an update of v4 is,
- to have more than one file(s) in the timeline
This would allow to insert some short clips between some splitted sections of the evaluated main-video
Currently a workaround is, going to the join-manager and create a new file out of all the ones I want to be displayed in the timeline.
- defining a color for the markers, to be able to distinguish between different kind of markers
alternatively have two kind of markers: One for the positioning (e.g. via TAB) and one for the real cut.
So, if you find a new important position you would mark it with the positioning-marker, which would express, that there is a sequence which begin/end has to be evaluated yet.
- doing some non-quality-destroying effects like rotation, cropping, ...
I don't know but perhaps some formats have flags inside, which would allow this (e.g. a jpg-image can be rotated lossless)
- to be able to insert small empty sequences (and perhaps explicitely search for them)
- switch in a mode, where let the player only plays selected sections, so the user can kind-of-preview the result
- My favorite would be a hard-to-implement one, but since you offer a professional video-api, it is perhaps already there:
search for a certain person (face recognition) in the video and select all the sections, where he/she occurs.
Also some simple to implement ones, but very userful for a quick workflow:
- have a keyboard-shortcut for a snapshot (=> the focus to the former component would not get lost, what's the case if the snapshot-button is being pressed)
- have a shortcut for jumping in the current-position-edit-field. I prefer doing frame forward/backward by pressing the arrow-up/down while being in this field.
I and I think a lot of other users use VLC-VideoPlayer a lot and my output files display a lot of artifacts in it, after the splitting is done. These do not occur in the original-files.
I also have another player and when playing the splitting with them, these artifacts do not appear there, so it must be a thing between VideoSplitter and VLC. I understand, that not every player could be tested, but VLC is quite spread.
Of course some rudimentary effects, like fading, which would affect the quality, would be great too, but I suppose this would be beyond what a video-splitter is supposed to do.
My former favorite video-tool MPEG-Womble does both, but unfortunately they preserve the lossless-quality only for MPEG-video-files and there don't appear much updates, so I am not sure, if they are really working on their product any more.
Ok, that's enough for now.
Thanks a lot for listening and I'm looking forward for your reply and hopefully some proposed features in a new update.
Please begin with the Snapshot-keyboard-shortcut
