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Messages - MichaelR

Pages: [1]
Hello Olga,

> It would be helpful for us to have this security-tool
Of course. It's Zemana AntiLogger There is a fully functional 14day-version to download there.

>Therefore installation of version 4 removes all the previous installed versions of Video Splitter.
I understand. But if it is 'only' a license-policy-problem (and no technical problem): You could change the policy... ;-)

Video Splitter / Re: Some improvement-ideas
« on: March 04, 2014, 02:08:47 AM »
Hello Olga,

thanks for the answer.

I mainly use TV-records of my hd-cable tv-receiver 'Smart MX84'.
Strange thing is, these artifacts do not (only) occur on the cutting positions, but they appear somewhere in the middle.
If you want, I can try to create a - let's say one-minute record - and send it to you. (But it's no small file ;-) )



Video Splitter / Webcam-Access Warning, Having v4 installed beside v3
« on: February 24, 2014, 05:13:09 PM »
Hello SolveigMM-Team,

the moment I start, a security-tool of mine appears, saying (translated): 'SMMVSplitter_Home.exe tries to connect with your webcam. If you want allow that, some pictures from the webcam might be captured. ...'. Unfortunately when pressing 'block', VideoSplitter terminates immediately. So I have to press 'allow' to make VideoSplitter continue. Of course I do this (with a strange feeling).
I suppose, you do not want to connect to the webcam and this is because an unnecessary call of a webcam-routine somewhere in your code..
It would be helpful to remove it

As a former user of v3, v4 is now split to two versions. So, I suppose, I can do some things with v3, which I can't do with the home-verison of v4. Right? (Perhaps command-line usage?) If yes, it would make sense to have both versions installed. Unfortunately it is not possible to install v4 without having v3 removed before. Why is this necessary (and can it be done anyway)?

Video Splitter / Some improvement-ideas
« on: February 23, 2014, 07:20:39 PM »
Hello SolveigMM-Team,

at first, I have to say, I am happy, that your product exists.

As it seems, currently quite all video-programs allow doing effects, ... with the necessity, that the edited sections have to be reencoded, what has a negative influence to the quality. Your product goes the other way: It preserves the original-quality. Very often this is my highest priority, so I use your product to do this. 

Now, that I, a former v3-user, have worked with v4, I have to say, that with v4 it's definitely better to work with.

While when halting a video (SPACE) the frame shown was not really the current frame - clicking on 'frame back' showed this - this (strange) behaviour is now gone.
Also, in my opinion, the extremely slow-down, if many markers were set, seems to be gone.
So it's a lot better to work with.

On the other hand, these improvements should have been fixed in a final v3 update, because - in my opinion - they are fixes.

The new v4-features to import more formats are quite useful. Even if I have thought .flv-support already did exist in a  former v3 release - probably I was wrong - it's now there, which is a good thing for .flv-owners...


THIS IS WHAT I would woiuld like to to see and perhaps will in an update of v4 is,
  • to have more than one file(s) in the timeline
                This would allow to insert some short clips between some splitted sections of the evaluated main-video
    Currently a workaround is, going to the join-manager and create a new file out of all the ones I want to be displayed in the timeline.
  • defining a color for the markers, to be able to distinguish between different kind of markers
    alternatively have two kind of markers: One for the positioning (e.g. via TAB) and one for the real cut.
    So, if you find a new important position you would mark it with the positioning-marker, which would express, that there is a sequence which begin/end has to be evaluated yet.
  • doing some non-quality-destroying effects like rotation, cropping, ...
         I don't know but perhaps some formats have flags inside, which would allow this (e.g. a jpg-image can be rotated lossless)
  • to be able to insert small empty sequences (and perhaps explicitely search for them)
  • switch in a mode, where let the player only plays selected sections, so the user can kind-of-preview the result
  • My favorite would be a hard-to-implement one, but since you offer a professional video-api, it is perhaps already there:
        search for a certain person (face recognition) in the video and select all the sections, where he/she occurs. 

Also some simple to implement ones, but very userful for a quick workflow:
  • have a keyboard-shortcut for a snapshot (=> the focus to the former component would not get lost, what's the case if the snapshot-button is being pressed)
  • have a shortcut for jumping in the current-position-edit-field. I prefer doing frame forward/backward by pressing the arrow-up/down while being in this field.

I and I think a lot of other users use VLC-VideoPlayer a lot and my output files display a lot of artifacts in it, after the splitting is done. These do not occur in the original-files.
I also have another player and when playing the splitting with them, these artifacts do not appear there, so it must be a thing between VideoSplitter and VLC. I understand, that not every player could be tested, but VLC is quite spread.

Of course some rudimentary effects, like fading, which would affect the quality, would be great too, but I suppose this would be beyond what a video-splitter is supposed to do.

My former favorite video-tool MPEG-Womble does both, but unfortunately they preserve the lossless-quality only for MPEG-video-files and there don't appear much updates, so I am not sure, if they are really working on their product any more.
Ok, that's enough for now.

Thanks a lot for listening and I'm looking forward for your reply and hopefully some proposed features in a new update.
Please begin with the Snapshot-keyboard-shortcut  :P


Video Splitter / Re: In which directory screenshots are being stored?
« on: October 17, 2013, 09:48:08 PM »
Hello Olga,

thanks for the fast and helping answer. I made sure, the directory does exist (and is accessible) and it works fine now.

Currently I use the newest (non-beta)-version 3.6.1309.
The reason of this behaviour was, that I use junction-links and the junction-link of c:\Users\<user>\Pictures was linked to a no-more-existing directory. So VideoSplitter perhaps tried to create it and its subdirs and did not succeed. So the directory couldn't not be opened for showing. Repairing this, and this works fine...

So, if you want, you could implement a little message-box displaying, that the snapshot could not be created, if you want.

Thanks a lot,


BTW: Because of the lossless-editing your video-splitter is the most used video program I currently use.


Video Splitter / In which directory screenshots are being stored?
« on: October 17, 2013, 05:56:49 PM »
Can anyone tell me, what's the directory, where the screenshots are stored?

I know, clicking on the appropriate button should open the directory, but on my win7-system it does not.
So I suppose this directory might not exist on my system and if I know it's name I could explicitely create it and all works fine...



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