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General Discussion / What is the key to successful sports betting?
« Last post by Kebash on Yesterday at 11:10:13 PM »
I don't consider myself an experienced gambler, but I have placed quite a lot of bets in my life and am familiar with the terminology. Apart from this, I also managed to win money by following some important and fundamental rules that I believe any sports bettor should follow in order to make profitable bets.
Money and bankroll management. This aspect cannot be overstated because I believe this is the main reason why most players lose money. You should not bet more than you can lose. Even though this is obvious, I think it still needs to be said. Additionally, it is extremely important to have a strict betting system. When I talk to new players, I always have a question: “How much money should I bet on one bet/parlay?”

I always recommend that they follow the formula that I discovered several years ago and I still stick to it to this day. Bet on percentage! This means that you have a certain percentage that you place on your bets, taking into account how risky the bet is. Never exceed 10% of your bankroll. This is 1/10th of the money you bet, it would be foolish to go beyond that because no bet is a "lock" no matter what some players tell you. Every bet involves risk and you should try to minimize it as much as possible.

I usually bet 3, 4 or 5% of my bankroll on one bet. This allows me to have variance in my bets. This allows me to bet big if I want (which means I bet on a lot of sporting events). It also automates my betting. If my bankroll increases, that means my bets will increase too. It also happens the other way around: if my bankroll decreases, my bets will drop. This is a great way to ensure that you never go broke on your gaming account unless you hit a monumental cold streak.
Video Splitter / Re: preserving closed captions in ts file
« Last post by Olga Krovyakova on Yesterday at 07:03:33 PM »
Hello jorgean,

Thank you for your post.
Yes, this option is available only for Business Edition version of Video Splitter.
Video Splitter / Re: preserving closed captions in ts file
« Last post by jorgean on Yesterday at 04:08:13 PM »
The "saving mpeg2 closed captions data on re-encoded frames" option you mentioned is likely only available in the professional version. The home version might have limitations regarding closed caption handling.
This is very interesting information! I've enjoyed reading your points, and I think you're right about a lot of them
Hello lyat,

Thank you for your post.

Please check if this option is enabled before the splitting: go to Tools / Preferences / View tab / enable "Show trimming stats" option.

Will it help you?
Здравствуйте nbb1967!

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When splitting a sequence, I had a progress window and at the end it show the elapsed time and successful message.

Now I still have the progress window when splitting a sequence but it disappear after the trimming job (if completed or aborted).

How can I restore/keep this  progress window when the job is completed ??

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