Author Topic: Trimmer frame navigation  (Read 28162 times)
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« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 07:43:09 PM »
Quote from: "jack"
Is there a single frame forward/backward function in AVI Trimmer?  I'd like to trim at precise frames, but it seems that I have to know the frame's time code in miliseconds which I don't know how to calculate.

I think a frame forward button and a frame backward button would be useful, if the functions don't already exist.  And since AVI Trimmer is K frame accurate, perhaps buttons to go to the next or previous K-frame would be useful as well.

Also, is it correct to assume that trimming of DV video is always at the frames we mark, since all frames in DV video are I frames?

Hello Jack,

Thank you for the feedback.
Currently there is no such a functions in AVI Trimmer.
Sure you right about navigation improvements and it should be implemented in the further versions.

As to DV, yes it is correct and accuracy in that case should be to frame.
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 05:50:51 PM »
Is there a single frame forward/backward function in AVI Trimmer?  I'd like to trim at precise frames, but it seems that I have to know the frame's time code in miliseconds which I don't know how to calculate.

I think a frame forward button and a frame backward button would be useful, if the functions don't already exist.  And since AVI Trimmer is K frame accurate, perhaps buttons to go to the next or previous K-frame would be useful as well.

Also, is it correct to assume that trimming of DV video is always at the frames we mark, since all frames in DV video are I frames?