I have no idea how you would succeed at doing mutes on audio parts, that seems like it would be very difficult to implement, seeing how audio tracks are very easy to get out of sync. Syncing is one of the most difficult thing that most editors seem to get wrong when they are trying to recompile them. I know that they frequently use 'audio flags', but timing would really be tricky, such as how to set start and end points on a single word or phrase, because audio I would guess are not spaced in any kind of structure like frames in a video, they are usually fractions of seconds, so I wouldn't even be able to guess how you would get the timing down by looking at a video. You would have to have a display showing audio waves, with sliders to highlight the points that you would want to cut, like what is done in audio editors like Sound Forge or Audacity. I have used many sound editors, to do things like remove unwanted parts to audio files, removing hissing sounds, convert from wave to mp3, and they can be very time consuming.
It sounds like a very difficult challenge. I personally have not been too bothered by random cussing in movies, if their was just too much in a movie, I would just pass on it. I have trained my kids to just ignore bad language. The problem with nudity in movies, is that seeing it, boys and men (like me), have a hard time getting the images out of our head, so I have edited all of our movies to protect my sons from having the issues that go along with being exposed to nudity.
A small issue that I am having with the 3.0 version, is that if I take and do edits strictly by using key-frame to key-frame, the edits are spot on, but if I try to make edits where I would prefer the edit to be (such as not to loose too much story around a nude scene starting-ending), if I go by time-frame (fractions of seconds between key-frames), the resulting edits get parts left behind that were selected to be removed. I am very familiar with key-frames and there limitations for most editors, but the odd thing is, when I attempt to do the edits, some of the frames just before even a key-frame get left in, in other-wards, information that was between key-frames gets left in the video - such as a few frames of a nude scene get left in the resulting video. "Frame Accuracy Smart Mode" too me causes me to believe that I could actually get some better ability to edit between key-frames (don't even know how that might be possible without re-encode - but I'm all for it

). I don't know if the time-line edits are getting a little off after being sent to 'trim' because of time-codes being in-between key-frames. I have multi-checked my edits to verify times are right, so it's not an error in my edits, just an error in compiling the trims. Like I was saying, I tried both ways with the exact same video file (key-frame to key-frame only - and attempting to do edits between key-frames - and tried with some of both).