Author Topic: Just curious about splitting ;)  (Read 12412 times)
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« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2016, 07:44:44 PM »
Hello Nathalia,

Thank you for your post and please excuse for the delay in reply!

Especialy which end of a cut-out/keep section is frame inclusive.

To be clear,
if I set markers for cut-out section with both ends on keyframe, will some of them be preserved in output file or do both of them get excluded or included?
It'd make sense to include one end of a cut, because from relativistic point of view, end of cut-out section coincides with start of keep section and vice versa, but it's not obvious which one is preserved.
As you can see in the frame mode of the Video Splitter's timeline (don't miss to check up the "Slider K-frame position" / "Marker K-frame position" in Control menu settings), the slider will be always placed to the beginning of the k-frame. So if you cut out the selected fragment that begins and ends with the k-frame, the output file will not include the k-frame of begin of the cutted out fragment and will include the k-frame on which the End marker of cutted out fragment is setted.

how to make the best frame accurate cut so the original information is altered at least,
for example start exactly at, frame before, frame after a keyframe, end at non-key, vice-versa?
If you use the frame accuracy the best quality will be if the start marker of cutted/keept fragment is placed on the k-frame.
If the keept fragment starts not with the k-frame then the few frames before the next k-frame could be re-encoded. More about the frame/k-frame accurate editing could be found here.
Olga Krovyakova
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2016, 01:46:20 PM »
Please, could some developer tell me how splits are made?
Especialy which end of a cut-out/keep section is frame inclusive.

To be clear,
if I set markers for cut-out section with both ends on keyframe, will some of them be preserved in output file or do both of them get excluded or included?
It'd make sense to include one end of a cut, because from relativistic point of view, end of cut-out section coincides with start of keep section and vice versa, but it's not obvious which one is preserved.

Secondly, but it's closely tied to first question,
how to make the best frame accurate cut so the original information is altered at least,
for example start exactly at, frame before, frame after a keyframe, end at non-key, vice-versa?

Thank you very much for the details,
one of your happy customers ;)