Author Topic: Solveig Video Splitter 1.2.705.05 + Vista 64 bit  (Read 24575 times)
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« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2008, 07:25:41 AM »
Quote from: "philebus"
Thanks for your reply Dmitry. I am serioulsy thinking of upgrading and replacing Wombe Mpeg video wizard with Solveig 2.0.

But I have one question about your version 2. With Womble, one can combine various edited mpegs (1 or 2) into a movie and then output it as a single file. Can one do this with Solveig. I know one can't do this with previous versions in respect of wmv or avi files, but instead have to edit files with identical properties one after another and then use a joining program to make them into a single file.

Do you understand my question?


Sure you question is quite reasonable. No Current Version of SolveigMM supports only MPEG-2 (not MPEG-1) and only for trimming with frame accuracy. Joining is coming but is not ready yet.
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2008, 03:35:01 AM »
Thanks for your reply Dmitry. I am serioulsy thinking of upgrading and replacing Wombe Mpeg video wizard with Solveig 2.0.

But I have one question about your version 2. With Womble, one can combine various edited mpegs (1 or 2) into a movie and then output it as a single file. Can one do this with Solveig. I know one can't do this with previous versions in respect of wmv or avi files, but instead have to edit files with identical properties one after another and then use a joining program to make them into a single file.

Do you understand my question?


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« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2008, 11:29:58 AM »
Quote from: "philebus"

I currently have a licence for Version 1.2.705.05 and don't plan to update to version 2 yet as I already have Womble Video Wizard DVD for editing Mpeg 1 and 2 and unless you can tell me the advantages of switching to Solveig version 2 for mpegs I'll stick with it.

My question is does my version of video splitter support Vista, and in particular Vista 64 bit?

If it doesn't,  does Video Splitter Versioin 2 support Vista 64 bit, and if it doesn't yet, will it do so soon.


Dear Philebus,

First of all thank you for being our customer for this years. Of course you are not supposed to upgrade your version unless you decide you really need it. I hope you understand that it is pretty difficult to support and develop both versions, therefore only 2.0 is going to be enhanced.

Nevertheless we are going to fix bugs in 1.2 and provide our customers with update upon the request.

As to Vista 64, both 1.2 and 2.0 should operare properly on this OS.
Dmitry Vergeles
Solveig Multimedia

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« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2008, 03:07:36 AM »

I currently have a licence for Version 1.2.705.05 and don't plan to update to version 2 yet as I already have Womble Video Wizard DVD for editing Mpeg 1 and 2 and unless you can tell me the advantages of switching to Solveig version 2 for mpegs I'll stick with it.

My question is does my version of video splitter support Vista, and in particular Vista 64 bit?

If it doesn't,  does Video Splitter Versioin 2 support Vista 64 bit, and if it doesn't yet, will it do so soon.
