Author Topic: How to increase font and icon sizes in VideoSplitter menu bars and dialog boxes?  (Read 14326 times)
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Dear sophie711,
Unfortunately at the moment we don't have such feature in normal mode, however, we tried to implement the increasing of basic interface elements when your Windows 10 works in Table Mode.

You can try to use Video Splitter when in a tablet mode. To switch to a Tablet Mode, please open the Action Center and push "Tablet Mode" button. See the reference here:

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I installed SolveigMM Video Splitter for Home, on my Microsoft SurfaceBook laptop (Windows 10 Pro, screen size 13.5 inches, and screen resolution 3000 x 2000).

My major problem is that the font and the icons, especially in the task bars (menu bars) at the bottom of Video Splitter application, are tiny!!
I cannot see them or I can barely see them as they are so small.

I tried to go into the "preferences" dialog box- but because the font is so tiny, I can read nothing in there.

Is there a way I could increase the size and the fonts in the program - especially those in the two horizontal task or menu bars at the bottom of the application window?
And also increase the size of the fonts in the dialog windows?


« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 10:36:53 AM by sophie711 »