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Messages - Olga Krovyakova

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 80
Video Splitter / Re: Video lags audio after edits
« on: January 30, 2025, 05:56:32 PM »
Hello Dwight,

Thank you a lot for files you have uploaded and your time.
The issue with async was reproduced at out end and will be fixed in the near future.
As soon as it will be fixed, we will post the news here.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact, that if the SRT ID:4 subtitle stream editing is disabled in Control / Select streams menu, the issue with async doesn't happen.
So if you do not need this subtitle track in the output file, you can leave it disabled (as it is in your project file).

Thank you for your assistance in this matter!

Video Splitter / Re: Video lags audio after edits
« on: January 29, 2025, 01:10:26 PM »
Hello Dwight,

Thank you a lot for files you have uploaded.
Could you please also share the project ssp file from Video Splitter from this edit?
I've decscribed in a previous post on how to get it.

Video Splitter / Re: Video lags audio after edits
« on: January 27, 2025, 04:12:26 PM »
Hello Dwight,

Thank you for your post.

Could you please send us the original input file that you open in Video Splitter and the project file? You can upload it to any file sharing service, e.g. Google drive ( or

To get the project file open the input file in Video Splitter, set fragments for saving and deleting then go to File menu -> Save project as and select folder to save the project file.

Here is the guideline on how to upload files if needed.

Thank you in advance!

Video Splitter / Re: Automate edit
« on: January 13, 2025, 07:31:39 PM »

Thank you for your post.

You can use altarnative time format types described here:

For 100ns you can see that 1 sec = 1*10^7 unit. So you need firstly convert time to seconds and then multiply by 10^7.

You can change timeFormat to time10ms.
It will be possibly more relevant for you, but in this case you need to keep in mind that the last digits are not milliseconds, but tens of ms. This is also written in the description by the above link.

That is, if you need to cut exactly starting from the time of 0.125 sec, then this will not work when using this time10ms format. It will only be possible from 0.12.

Also please note, the editing accuracy that will be with time10ms format is not units of milliseconds, but tens of milliseconds.

Video Splitter / Re: Upgraded to newest version, now I need help ;-)
« on: January 13, 2025, 06:13:23 PM »
Hello AZAndy,

Thank you for your post and please excuse for the delay with reply due to New Year holidays.
This feature to disable mouse cursor effect on the interface is unfortunately not available in Video Splitter.
If/when it will be implemented, we will post the news at this thread.

Hello George,

Thank you for your question.
Yes, this is possible to do with SolveigMM WMP Trimmer Plugin.

If you would like to save the entire audio track from the video file, you need to do the following:

1) Download and install the Plugin.
2) Open your video file in the Windows Media Player.
3) Click on the "Edit this file" button on plugin's window.
4) Click the "Save" button.
5) In the opened dialog window check the "Save audio track only" box and click "Save" to start the editing.

If you would like, you can also save the audio track from the selected segment(s).
For this you need to select the segement(s) for saving firstly, then use the above sequence of actions.

Here is the guideline on how to select segements in WMP Trimmer Plugin if needed:

General Discussion / Re: About video cutter
« on: October 28, 2024, 05:23:23 PM »
Hello milon,

Thanks for your post.
Please describe your issue more detailed, we need to know on what exactly action you get the problem.

If it happens with some file, could you please send us this original input file that you open in Video Splitter and the project file? You can upload it to any file sharing service, e.g. Google drive ( or

To get the project file open the input file in Video Splitter, set fragments for saving and deleting then go to File menu -> Save project as and select folder to save the project file.

Here is the guideline on how to upload files if needed.

Здравствуйте, Stealth

В Video Splitter для файлов с VP9 кодеком редактирование осуществляется в настоящий момент с точностью до ключевого кадра.
Для остальных поддерживаемых форматов и кодеков редактирование может происходить как с точностью до кадра, так и с точностью до ключевого кадра.
Как добавится поддержка редактирования файлов с точностью до кадра для VP9 кодека, мы сообщим вам.

Здравствуйте, Stealth!

Спасибо за ваше сообщение.

В настоящее время кодек VP9 для MP4 не поддерживается в Video Splitter.
Как только мы добавим такую поддержку в программу, мы вам сообщим в этой теме.

В качестве временного решения, вы можете попробовать перекодировать, например, с помощью Handbrake ( ваш MP4 файл в MKV файл с VP9 видео.
Тогда Video Splitter сможет отредактировать такой файл с точностью до ключевого кадра.

Video Splitter / Re: Hey everyone
« on: September 23, 2024, 04:36:16 PM »
Hello Haper1981,

Thank you for your post.

SolveigMM video editing products do not add additional size to files after the editing.
You can try to use Video Splitter to save the segment from the file, it also preserves the original video quality.
You can download it here:

Also, if your task is to slice video into equal parts, please see this guideline on how to do this with Video Splitter:

Hello Jenny,

Thank you for your post.

Yes, it is possible, you can mute sound on the whole file or on the selected segment(s).

To mute the sound on the whole file: You need to open the file in the player and click on the sound icon near the audio wave to make the sound muted.
Please see how you can do this at the screenshot.

If you would like to mute sound on the selected segment you need:

- Open the file in the player
- Select segment(s) with markers that you would like to be muted
- Navigate to the segment (put slider on such segment)
- Click the "Mute Audio" button

Please see how it looks like on the screenshot below:

Video Splitter / Re: preserving closed captions in ts file
« on: September 04, 2024, 01:33:35 PM »
Hello to all,

The "Saving MPEG2 closed captions data on re-encoded frames" option is now available for Home Edition version of Video Splitter too.
You can download the updated version at its home page:

To turn on the option please follow to Tools / Preferences / Control / enable "Saving MPEG2 closed captions data on re-encoded frames".

Hello Dwight,

Unfortunately we have not reproduced the issue with editing of your file with subtitles at our end.

Please let us know the details of your actions and what happens with Video Splitter after each action.

Or, it will be very helpful for us if you could record your actions in Video Splitter and the issue that you have with any screen capturing software. For example you can use HyperCam.
You can download it here:

Thank you in advance.

Video Splitter / Re: How to Set Keep Mode or Cut Mode?
« on: July 04, 2024, 05:43:28 PM »
Hello proposedcry,

Thank you for your post.
In version 8 there is no Keep Mode and Cut Mode.
If you would like to use these modes, you can try Video Splitter for Mac.

Here is the instruction on how to use it:

Hello Dwight,

Thank you.
We have downloaded files.
At this time we are working with these files to check them. As soon as there will be any news about the problem, we will let you know.

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